
Host Guidelines.

  • Hosts are to be reachable (Email, ICQ, AIM, Burning Bush) with a fair amount of ease
  • Hosts will not be accepted if they host or play major parts in other rooms or systems
  • Hosts who cannot spend time in the Realm are required to seek replacements (temporary or permanent)
    • Vacations
    • Change of heart
    • Stress
  • Hosts are required to enforce the Acceptable use Policy
  • Hosts are to play at the comfort level of the players
  • Hosts are expected to mediate conflict, not insight or seed it
  • Hosts will not allow extreme violence or sexuality in any room as per the AUP
  • Hosts will understand that Private Realms are fair game
  • Hosts are strongly recommended to have a co-host in order to simplify matters


  • Realms will first start as Private/Hybrid Realms, then invited to Public status
  • Realms established for more then a month will be granted supervisory access to hosts
  • Realms seeing less then three-hundred posts a night (average) for a consecutive month will be downgraded after warning
  • Realms receiving large amount of complaints and/or accusations will be placed on probationary status until things can sorted out
  • Realms will clearly indicate a rating for their realm or accept the default rating of Parental Guidance (PG) for their realm. Click (here) for more information on ratings.
  • Realms homepages will uphold regulations for hosting


  • Hosts have the option of moving their  realms straight to Hybrid without the needed post minimum, by donating $10(USD) monthly, or $100(USD) yearly to Ethereal Realms.   
  • Hosts also have the option of moving their realms to Public status for a two month trial period, for $30(USD).  If their realm can maintain the post minimum, then the realm will stay listed as a Public realm without further donation needed to keep it there.  If the realm fails to generate the needed post minimum the host will have the option to move their realm to Hybrid status for the fee mentioned above, to move the realm completely back down to private status, or to close the realm entirely.


  • Pages shall provide a list of all staff the realm
  • Pages list method of contact for people with questions,complaints et cetera
  • Pages contain a list room rules not covered under the Acceptable Use Policy
  • Pages carry a description of the realm settings
    Possible topics include:
    • Description of the mood and theme
    • Description of history and possible story lines
    • Description on the creation of characters and bounds (if any)
    • Description carrying an overview of the realm
  • Pages are bound to the acceptable use policy
  • Pages not to be used for hosting images, pages for patrons
  • Pages should be designed to support multiple resolutions and systems
  • Pages hosted under a free system such as Geocities, Anglefire, Homestead is prohibited
  • Pages are recommended to carry certain links
    • Acceptable Use Policy (Here)
    • Donations (Here)
    • Help Pages (Here)
    • Realm Portal (Here)


  • The above rules do not apply to Hybrid Realms unless they plan to move publicly. Unlike private realms, Hybrids come at a cost, while granting other advantages. For those who wish to inquire on the nature of a Hybrid Realm, seek the council for guidance and/or information.
  • Rules are also different when hosting an adult realm. Since the Acceptable Use Policy contains clauses as to protect minors from extreme violence, nudity and sexuality, these would would not apply in a realm with environment where all present have been verified as being of adult age as seen by Canadian law.